Game 24hTrò chơi
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Muốn vui, Chơi game Sóc Vui !!!! Sóc Vui càng chơi càng vui. Sóc Vui cả bầu trời tuổi thơ của bạn.
Chơi game ngay
In Nut Rush 2: Summer Sprint the little squirrel is on his mission again to gather nuts for the winter. In this sequel to the cute Jump 'n' Run success new power ups like the acorn magnet, super nuts and an invincibility star will help you to earn bonus points and find your way back home safely. Jump from branch to branch, slide under tree trunks and mind the spiky hedgehogs to achieve a high score!

Game Cơn sốt hạt dẻ 2: Chạy nước rút mùa hè HTML5

Hướng dẫn chơi game
In Nut Rush 2: Summer Sprint the little squirrel is on his mission again to gather nuts for the winter. In this sequel to the cute Jump 'n' Run success new power ups like the acorn magnet, super nuts and an invincibility star will help you to earn bonus points and find your way back home safely. Jump from branch to branch, slide under tree trunks and mind the spiky hedgehogs to achieve a high score!



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