Game 24hTrò chơi
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Muốn vui, Chơi game Sóc Vui !!!! Sóc Vui càng chơi càng vui. Sóc Vui cả bầu trời tuổi thơ của bạn.
Chơi game ngay
Fight an exciting penalty duel, right by the beach at the Copacabana. Don't let the sunshine and the ocean distract you. Beat the keeper by scoring more goals than he deflects within three minutes. If you have more goals, you win!

Game Penalty 2014 HTML5

Hướng dẫn chơi game
Fight an exciting penalty duel, right by the beach at the Copacabana. Don't let the sunshine and the ocean distract you. Beat the keeper by scoring more goals than he deflects within three minutes. If you have more goals, you win!



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