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Muốn vui, Chơi game Sóc Vui !!!! Sóc Vui càng chơi càng vui. Sóc Vui cả bầu trời tuổi thơ của bạn.
Chơi game ngay
Oh no! Uncle Ahmed's favorite nephew has been kidnapped, and now he needs your help to save him from the dark magician! Flames, spikes and wild beasts - our favorite uncle has to prepare for a lot of dangerous challenges. But apart from his athletic skills and his heroic bravery, Ahmed has some more tricks up his sleeve. Use his crazy power-ups to throw around watermelons, become invincible, or run with the speed of light. But the action is not only taking place on the ground! Prepare to help Ahmed fly through the sky, maneuvering around clouds and dangerous enemies. But the most dangerous challenge will be beating the dark magician and his evil companions, who will try to keep Uncle Ahmed away from his nephew. Are you ready to join Uncle Ahmed on his dangerous adventure and save his nephew?

Game Uncle Ahmed - Chú Ahmed HTML5

Hướng dẫn chơi game
Oh no! Uncle Ahmed's favorite nephew has been kidnapped, and now he needs your help to save him from the dark magician! Flames, spikes and wild beasts - our favorite uncle has to prepare for a lot of dangerous challenges. But apart from his athletic skills and his heroic bravery, Ahmed has some more tricks up his sleeve. Use his crazy power-ups to throw around watermelons, become invincible, or run with the speed of light. But the action is not only taking place on the ground! Prepare to help Ahmed fly through the sky, maneuvering around clouds and dangerous enemies. But the most dangerous challenge will be beating the dark magician and his evil companions, who will try to keep Uncle Ahmed away from his nephew. Are you ready to join Uncle Ahmed on his dangerous adventure and save his nephew?
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