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Game HTML5
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Muốn vui, Chơi game Sóc Vui !!!! Sóc Vui càng chơi càng vui. Sóc Vui cả bầu trời tuổi thơ của bạn.
Chơi game ngay
Lucy is not in the mood for class, so she is Slacking School! Help her to finish her little projects she uses to take her mind of the boring stuff the teacher is talking about. Be careful to finish them while her teacher is not present. Before she comes back, stop what you are doing if you haven't finished and try it again later. If she catches Lucy, the game is over. With good reactions you can avoid being caught and finish all tasks!

Game Bỏ học đi chơi HTML5

Hướng dẫn chơi game
Lucy is not in the mood for class, so she is Slacking School! Help her to finish her little projects she uses to take her mind of the boring stuff the teacher is talking about. Be careful to finish them while her teacher is not present. Before she comes back, stop what you are doing if you haven't finished and try it again later. If she catches Lucy, the game is over. With good reactions you can avoid being caught and finish all tasks!



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