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Chơi game ngay
You love fashion & make up and would like to be the stylist of a Hollywood superstar? Then this free game of the popular True Make Up series is exactly what you need! Dress Friends star Jennifer and try different makeup styles and clothing on her. Give fashion advice to Jennifer and help her to find the perfect outfit for every event and with this awesome free dress up game for trendy girls and fashionable young women.

Game Trang điểm cho Jennifer True HTML5

Hướng dẫn chơi game
You love fashion & make up and would like to be the stylist of a Hollywood superstar? Then this free game of the popular True Make Up series is exactly what you need! Dress Friends star Jennifer and try different makeup styles and clothing on her. Give fashion advice to Jennifer and help her to find the perfect outfit for every event and with this awesome free dress up game for trendy girls and fashionable young women.
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